In the Rearview is the winner of Sheffield DocFest 2023!
The Grand Jury Award for the International Competition honours films that best display strong artistic vision and courageous storytelling and this year the jury has chosen our documentary:
„As jurors, we are both deeply honored and keenly aware of our privileged position. We would like to take this moment to ask: what is the meaning of the art of non-fiction today? As we journeyed through this cohort of films, we found vulnerable, beautiful visions that hold both craft and story close, opening windows into the heart of our shared humanity. If documentaries matter, if they are to be relevant and important at all, they must connect us to the lives of others.
Crafted with intimacy and delicate respect, we as a jury were stunned by the brilliant simplicity of this film which makes us fellow – passengers upon a universal odyssey of survival and exodus.”
— selected by the jurors: Kim Longinotto, Rodrigo Reyes, Vinay Shukla.